Our specialization
Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design
Contract Appraisal
The client can be advised on alternative forms of contract, tender procedures and methods of measurement or financial control. With the drawings and specifications, Bills of Quantities suitable to the project and the form of contract can be prepared so that tenders are called locally, nationally or internationally by the client or his agents. After receipt of tenders, reports and evaluations, based on cost, construction, methodology, alternative design and detailing special conditions or constraints on the contract can be prepared to aid the client in his decision to appoint contractors.
Bidding Documents
- Bidding Procedure.
- Works requirement (Standard & Specific Specification).
- Condition of Contract and Contract Forms
- Technical Specifications (Standard & Special).
- Drawings.
- Other reports relevant to the project
Engineering Confidential
Cost Estimates
- Unit Price analysis for the works
- Cost estimates for EMP, RAP & HIV/AIDS Programs
Economic Assessment/Appraisal
- Cost effectiveness analysis
- Scoring and weight
Financial Assessment/Appraisal
- Estimated Project Costs
- Financial Plan
- Project Financial Viability
- Economic and Economic Objectives
- Financial forecast
- Financial covenants
Construction Supervision
AQGOLA provide partial or full-time supervision of construction depending on the needs of the client. Such supervision may include financial control, inspection of materials, or workmanship, overseeing laboratory tests, instigation of special investigation etc. In cases where the client has his own organization to provide these services, AQGOLA may be retained solely to provide technical advice during construction.